This online calculator works out the mass of wax and fragrance required for a single candle and a batch of candles. It calculates fragrance relative to the overall fill mass of the vessel.
Calculate now the amount of fragrance and base needed for your product
Candle Shack Fragrances
Are your fragrances safe, vegan and paraben free?
All of our fragrance oils are vegan friendly, cruelty free and paraben free.
Please refer to the SDS for each fragrance for information on phthalates.
Please refer to the PDF files at the bottom of every fragrance page for the SDS, IFRA and Allergen Declarations.
There are also template labels available for candles, diffusers and melts. These templates show all of the information youmusthave on your product.
Are your fragrances safe for pets?
Our fragrances have been created in line with IFRA standards, which are there to ensure the safe use of fragrances ingredients, however; IFRA’s standards are aimed at humans, and they do not produce standards regarding the safety of suitability of fragrance ingredients in relation to pets. We recommend contacting a veterinarian with any concerns or for advice.
Some of our fragrances do carry this hazard in their raw form. Once diluted, this hazard is no longer applicable. If ever in doubt, check the 8% or 10% SDS that is available via the website for hazards applicable to your candles or wax melts. In any case, we recommend using the appropriate PPE when handling ALL fragrances.
What is the difference between fragrance oils and essential oils?
Essential oils are made from natural ingredients using processes such as steam distillation and solvent extraction. The intention is to capture the "essence" of the plants.
Fragrance oils are made from synthetic fragrance molecules. Although they are man-made, many synthetic molecules are identical to molecules found in nature, but many more are designed by fragrance chemists to give specific aromas that can be used to produce unique and novel fragrance oils.
Both essential oils and fragrance oils are blends of many different types of fragrance molecules.
What are nature-derived fragrances?
Nature-derived fragrances are complex compounds, derived from natural aromatics extracted from natureincluding trees, plants, and flowers, that also include a small amount of replicated natural accords harnessed without harming the environment.
These natural accords are processed from natural sources by physical or biotechnical procedures to harness the ingredients and consist of materials that can be physically isolated from plants through distillation expression and extraction.
Nature-derived materials can be extracted from plants - one oil can have several different isolates from several plants.
How much fragrance should I use?
Essential oils can have different viscosity than fragrance oils as they are made from natural ingredients, while fragrance oils mainly contain synthetic components. As natural oils tend to be more viscous, we recommend using them at a lower ratio.
If you are looking to make a candle using essential oils, we advise testing your candles with 6-8% oil, while 15% would be a good starting point for your diffusers, subject to any IFRA or CLP restrictions.
If you prefer fragrance oils, you can start testing your candles with 8-10% but you can add up to 14% in some plant waxes, and our recommended diffuser ratio is 15-20% subject to any IFRA or CLP restrictions.
Please always check the IFRA conformity certificate on the product page for each essential oil or fragrance oil, as all oils have maximum permitted percentages for candles, diffusers and rom sprays under IFRA/CLP guidelines.
For concentrated fragrance oils, you can use a lower percentage of oil and still get excellent cold and hot throw. Depending on your wax, our recommended ratio is 3-5% for candles, whilst with diffusers we would advise you to start testing with 8-10%.
What wick should I use with my fragrance?
The choice of wick will depend on which wax is being used. LX or TG wicks work well with mineral waxes. Stabilo, CL, V, TB, ECO or PGS wicks can be used with mineral or vegetable blends, while VRL wicks are suited to blends containing a high percentage of plant wax.
Overwicking can cause larger flames which can then form larger melt pools and generate more soot. Overwicking is the term used to describe the use of a larger wick than necessary for a particular candle.
What is CLP?
CLP is an EU and UK regulation which requires hazardous chemicals to be classified, labelled and packaged accordingly to ensure a high level of protection for consumers, workers and the environment.
Is CLP LABEL DESIGN tool free?
Yes! We know how difficult and time-consuming adhering to CLP regulations can be. As such, we designed this tool to help you quickly get an accurate label at the click of a few buttons.
Can I access CLP DESIGN TOOL on mobile?
Ithas been specifically designed for desktop devices and isoptimised for Chrome and Microsoft Edge Internet browsers.
What fragrance oils are included?
All Candle Shack fragrance and natural oils havebeen included.
What type of products can I generate CLP labels for?
This tool can generate labels for Candles (10%), Candles (8%), Candles (6%), Diffusers (15% in Augeo), Diffusers (20% in Augeo), and Room Sprays (5% in non-hazardous base).
What if some of the label templates are missing?
If you can't find the CLP label you are looking for, please check the fragrance description and Safety Data Sheets, as it may be the case that there is no CLP requirement at the chosen scent content or the fragrance can't be used above a certain percentage.
Can this tool be used for custom bases, scent contents or sizes?
At the moment our CLP Design Tool can only be used to generate the labels mentioned above, however, we do offer services forcustom SDSandCLP labelsusing Candle Shack oils orcustom essential oil blends.
Can this tool generate CLP labels in other languages?
You can design your CLP labels in 24 different languages: English, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
Will 60mm labels fit on all Candle Shack containers?
Yes, they will. You can use this size of label for all Candle Shack containersapart from 9cl.
What mass/volume information should I include in my CLP label?
You should always include NET weight. This is the weight of wax and fragrance, excluding the weight of the container.
Can I combine CLP label with safety information using this tool?
Yes, you can! If you choose to do so, pictograms on the left are mandatory. Pictogramson the right-optional, and can be chosen if they are relevant to the product. Please select the maximum of 5 safety pictograms.
Once I finished designing my labels where can I print them?
We recommend usingPRINTED.COM. They offer great prices and fast delivery service.