Candle Making Fragrance Load Calculator: All Candle Fragrance Types (2025)

How do you measure fragrance oil for candles?

Candle fragrance has become the most defining characteristic of a candle.

If you want to learn how to make scented candles at home, it’s essential you start with learning the ins and outs of candle fragrance, beginning with the fragrance load.

Candle Making Fragrance Load Calculator: All Candle Fragrance Types (1)

Candle Fragrance Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is fragrance load?

The fragrance load of a candle correlates to the percentage of fragrance used in candle making. It will determine the scent throw of the candle and the maximum amount of fragrance a candle can hold without causing issues.

Q: How much fragrance do you put in a candle?

  1. When figuring out how much candle fragrance to use, you need to know the fragrance load of your candle wax first. Most candle wax makers will include this on the label and/or in the description of the product. Soy wax, for example, can hold fragrance better than paraffin.
  2. The second step is choosing your desired fragrance load within the capabilities of the candle wax. Store-bought candles have a common fragrance load of 6%, whereas high-quality, handcrafted candles can have a fragrance load up to 12%, depending on the wax blend.
  3. Take, for example, this pure soy wax has a maximum fragrance load of 10%. You could choose to make a fragrance load anywhere between 6 and 10 percent working with this wax.

Once you have these numbers, you can put them to use with a fragrance load calculator and calculate the fragrance load for your homemade candle!

Q: What happens if you put too much fragrance oil in a candle?

Adding too much fragrance to a candle can cause it to self-extinguish or not burn properly, as well as cause candle sweating.

Not familiar with these candle making terms?

Candle Making Fragrance Load Calculator: All Candle Fragrance Types (2)

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Q: What’s the best candle fragrance type?

It’s no surprise that essential oils have become incredibly popular for all kinds of things, including candle making. But do they deserve the hype when it comes to scented candles? I share the pros and cons of using essential oils for candle making and all candle fragrance types.

Q: How can I make my candles smell stronger?

  • Follow the steps above and use the candle fragrance load calculator to create the desired strength of your candle scent.
  • Add your fragrance at the correct temperature according to the flashpoint of the fragrance.
  • Make sure to give it a sufficient stir of two minutes to make the candles smell stronger.

Read more tips for making strong-smelling candles in my book!

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If you have made candles before or always wanted to, it’s time you became the candle maker you’ve longed to be. I’m here to help you every step of the way, teaching you the art of candle making, refining and evolving your skills with each candle project.

There’s nothing like creating beautiful, rich aromas and the warm glow of candlelight for an instant cozy atmosphere with your two hands!

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Q: How long do I need to wait before lighting a homemade candle?

Homemade scented candles need to cure for a minimum of three days for a good scent throw. But a cure time of 1 to 2 weeks is even better for an incredibly strong candle scent!

Q: What temperature do you add fragrance to candle wax?

This step is easy to figure out when making candles with fragrance oils designed for candle making because the oil’s flashpoint is listed on the label! (Use code CREATEWITHKRISTY10to get 10% off natural candle fragrances from Makesy.)

However, if you are using essential oils to fragrance candles, you won’t likely find a flashpoint listed anywhere. So, to keep the scent from evaporating, a.k.a. burning off, add essential oils at the lowest temperature possible for your wax type.

Candle Making Fragrance Load Calculator: All Candle Fragrance Types (3)

Here’s how to use the fragrance load calculator:

  • #1 Enter how many candles are you making.
  • #2 Enter how many ounces your candle container or candle mold holds.
  • #3 Enter how many ounces of fragrance you plan on adding to the wax.
  • #4 Click CALCULATE to determine the answer.

    The calculator will quickly compute the fragrance load percentage! Adjust the amount of fragrance entered in #3 until you get your desired fragrance load.


    Fragrance Load Calculator

    Candle Making Fragrance Load Calculator: All Candle Fragrance Types (2025)


    How to calculate fragrance load for candles? ›

    We simply explain it as the ratio of fragrance oil to the weight of your wax. Yes, 30g is 10% of 300g, but it's not 10% of the wax weight, which is what you need. A 10% scent load of 300g would actually be 30g of fragrance oil added to 300g of wax, making your finish product weight 330g.

    What is the best fragrance load for candles? ›

    The recommended fragrance load for a soy wax candle is generally between 5% to 10% of the weight of the wax used in the candle. However, some blended waxes like coconut soy wax can usually take up to 12% (which will usually give a very strong scent throw). Step 1 - Figure out your candle vessel capacity.

    What happens if you put too much fragrance in a candle? ›

    Also, using too much fragrance oil does not necessarily mean it will increase the scent throw in a finished candle. Adding too much fragrance oil can lead to impaired burning characteristics.

    What is the formula for candle making? ›

    To find how much wax you will need, multiply the number of candles you are making by the amount of wax it will hold, and then divide that by 20. For example, if you want to make 30 - 8 ounce candles the math would be as follows: 30 (containers) x 8 (oz per container) = 240 total ounces / 20 = 12 lbs wax needed.

    What is a 12% fragrance load? ›

    Most waxes have a 12% maximum fragrance load or approximately 2 oz. per pound. A typical amount is about 6% or 1 ounce per pound. Be sure to check the product page for the wax you will be using to find out the maximum fragrance percentage that it can hold.

    What is the ratio of soy wax to fragrance oil? ›

    So, if you're looking at how much fragrance oil per 100g of soy wax to add, 10g of fragrance oil is ideal for a strong aroma. If you're after a more subtle scent throw, a percentage of 5-6% may be better suited.

    What wax has the highest fragrance load? ›

    Paraffin wax—a very inexpensive wax—is most widely used across candle brands, says Fitchl, because it can hold a high amount of fragrance and color. It also comes in various melt points, making it suitable for making many different types of candles, from containers to pillars.

    How do you make super strong smelling candles? ›

    How do you make strong-scented candles? Generally speaking, the more fragrance oil you add to your melted wax, the more aromatic the candle will be. And as mentioned above, the type of wax you choose has an effect too. The basic ratio is one ounce of oil per pound of wax.

    What type of candles smell the strongest? ›

    Mahogany Teakwood High-Intensity Candle

    Not only did these two give off strong scents, but they smelled the best, too. Yankee Candle and Bath & Body Works candles gave off very heavy, in-your-face scents, whereas Le Labo and Byredo released complex, luxurious scents you'd expect in a fancy hotel.

    What wax gives the best scent throw? ›

    Which Candle Wax Gives The Best Scent Throw? Currently Paraffin waxes are considered the best for achieving a strong fragrance – this is why many high street brands still use paraffin wax in their candles.

    What not to do when making candles? ›

    6 Mistakes New Candle Makers Should Avoid
    1. Putting the wrong amount of fragrance oil. ...
    2. Using the same wick size for every scent. ...
    3. Burning the candle before curing completes. ...
    4. Using the wrong materials. ...
    5. Starting with too many supplies. ...
    6. Burn Testing.
    Feb 28, 2023

    How to get a strong scent throw in soy candles? ›

    Get strong cold and hot throw from your Soy Candles
    1. Adding the fragrance oil at the correct temperature. ...
    2. Using the proper % of fragrance in your soy wax. ...
    3. Using Fragrance Oil designed for Soy Wax. ...
    4. Choosing the right wick. ...
    5. Allowing your candles sufficient time to cure.
    Jan 8, 2019

    How many candles can you make with 1 pound of wax? ›

    If this is your first time making soy wax candles, what you may want to do is just buy 2 pounds of wax from some place like Michaels. This way you can see if this is something that you will enjoy doing. One pound of wax should make you two 14 oz candles with some wax left over.

    How much fragrance oil for an 8oz candle? ›

    Now that we understand the importance of fragrance load, let's get into the specifics. For an 8 oz candle, the recommended fragrance load typically falls between 5% to 10% of the weight of the wax used in the candle.

    How much fragrance is needed for an 8 oz candle? ›

    For an 8 oz candle, the recommended fragrance load typically falls between 5% to 10% of the weight of the wax used in the candle.

    How many candles can you make with 10lbs of wax? ›

    One pound of wax should make you two 14 oz candles with some wax left over. So 10 lbs should be more than enough.

    What is the fragrance load for make market soy wax? ›

    Adding fragrance to candles

    It's a good rule of thumb to start around 6%, or 1 oz. of fragrance per 16 oz./1 lb.

    What is the difference between fragrance load and fragrance content? ›

    Fragrance load — fragrance load is a term that indicates the percentage of fragrance you will need, in correlation to the amount of wax you will be using. Fragrance load is always expressed as a percentage. Fragrance content — this is the proportion of fragrance used in the candle mixture.

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    Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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